Lake Kaindy

Is one of mysterious places of foothills at height of 2000 m above sea level among the pine trees, surrounded by mountain peaks. In translation from Kazakh language “Kaindy” means “abounding with birches”. Lake called Kaindy because of the large birch trees located in five kilometers from it. It arose about 100 years ago as a result of the collapse of a huge mass of rock, blocking the gorge a natural dam. The lake is situated at 12 km East of the first Kolsai lake. The lake length is about 400 m reaches a depth of almost 30m. The Kaindy lake is surrounded by sipname rocky slopes and steep cliffs rises. Above it is a rocky dead end, and only one side can be driven to the water by car. From the rocky crest offer stunning views of the Saty gorge, the valley of the Chilik river, valley Kaindy.Around rich mushroom forests, which in July-August you can collect strawberries, and in the last month of summer — mountain raspberries. Dry trunks of fir-trees rise above the water surface, like the masts of the flooded ships.Lake Kaindy is situated near the Kungei Alatau, near Kolsai lakes. To get to the shore of the lake and its water is not so easy. The lake is located in the thick forests, roads where there is little. Surprisingly, however, it is unique in its beauty the lake has wide popularity among fans of active rest, and just tourists. And yet, year after year to the “flooded” birch lake is coming more and Bolshaya.

Tour description

At the time of arrival in the village Satty, which is located about an hour from lake Kaindy, you will be offered a lunch stop in a guest house. Next you will visit the extraordinary lake Kaindy.  Typically, this one day tour is most commonly associated with a visit to the nearby beautiful lakes Kolsai 1, and Kaindy. Next day associated with a visit to the first Kolsay lakes 1, Kolsai 2. At the final part, dinner at the national uigurs cafe. And the way back to Almaty. The tour program can be changed depending on the wishes of the client.


   1 Person –   329 USD 

   2 Persons-  179 USD

   3 Persons –  119 USD   

   4 Persons –  89 USD

   5 Persons –  79 USD

   6 Persons –  69 USD

The tour includes: transportation, excursions with english speaking guide, ecological taxes, watering on road, lunch and dinner.                                                   

Tour booking is done in advance.

Please make your booking online