Ak-tau mountains in Altyn Emel

Ak-tau mountains in Altyn Emel.

Cretaceous Mountains Aktau located in the south-east of Kazakhstan – a unique natural monument that is part of the Altyn-Emel National Park. The multi-colored hills formed from bluish-gray sandstone and red clay, interspersed with yellow and pink cornelian jasper and white quartz, resemble a layer cake. The height of the sediments reaches hundreds of meters.


Tambaly Tas Petroglyphs (UNESCO)

Petroglyphs of Tambaly (UNESCO).

Ancient low mountains, in which there are more than 5,000 petroglyph drawings from the Bronze Age to the Middle Ages. Gallery of petroglyphs Tambaly are treasures of world importance and are under the protective fund of UNESCO. Here both Saks and Turkic, but the majority – the most-mysterious – were made in the era of developed bronze (more than 3000 years).
