Three canyons of charyn river

Three canyons of charyn river

Is one of the most unique nature tourist spot. Under the influence of thousand-year processes of weathering of sedimentary rocks, the original form of the relief had taken the shape of isolated rocks, columns and towers. Charyn canyon is a natural monument, built of sedimentary rocks whose age is about 12 million years. The walls often consist of large deposits of clay, which at sunset turn red and shimmer with amazing shadows. If you look at the canyon closely, you may “see” an ancient town, which seems to be real under the rays of the setting sun. Here time and natural factors have created countless grottoes, caves, huge cracks, as if some painter had worked on the entire canyon.

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Ak-tau mountains in Altyn Emel

Ak-tau mountains in Altyn Emel.

Cretaceous Mountains Aktau located in the south-east of Kazakhstan – a unique natural monument that is part of the Altyn-Emel National Park. The multi-colored hills formed from bluish-gray sandstone and red clay, interspersed with yellow and pink cornelian jasper and white quartz, resemble a layer cake. The height of the sediments reaches hundreds of meters.


Tambaly Tas Petroglyphs (UNESCO)

Petroglyphs of Tambaly (UNESCO).

Ancient low mountains, in which there are more than 5,000 petroglyph drawings from the Bronze Age to the Middle Ages. Gallery of petroglyphs Tambaly are treasures of world importance and are under the protective fund of UNESCO. Here both Saks and Turkic, but the majority – the most-mysterious – were made in the era of developed bronze (more than 3000 years).


Big Almaty lake

Big Almaty lake

Just an hour drive from the city to be one of the most beautiful natural places of TRANS-ili Alatau. The lake is situated at height of 2500 meters above sea level, its depth reaches 35 m, length — about 1 km, width — up to 500 m. water Temperature in summer is 10-12 degrees Celsius. From the shore you can admire a fascinating panorama of the mountains with surrounding peaks.

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Singing Dune

Singing Dune

In the amazing national Park Altyn Emel the right Bank of the ili river, is the famous Singing dunes. Its length is two kilometers and the width is a mile and a height of one hundred and fifty meters. It is complicated of clean yellow sand, shining Golden. Bancaetruria, sharp ridge. The sand here sounds when it starts to crumble.
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Lake Kaindy

Lake Kaindy

Is one of mysterious places of foothills at height of 2000 m above sea level among the pine trees, surrounded by mountain peaks. In translation from Kazakh language “Kaindy” means “abounding with birches”. Lake called Kaindy because of the large birch trees located in five kilometers from it.
It arose about 100 years ago as a result of the collapse of a huge mass of rock, blocking the gorge a natural dam. The lake is situated at 12 km East of the first Kolsai lake.

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Kolsay lakes and Canyons

Kolsay lakes

One of the most beautiful places in the Kazakh nature, the lake is called the pearl of the Northern Tien Shan. Three high-mountainous lakes which is often called the pearl of the Northern Tien Shan with a cool, pine-covered slopes are located in spurs of Kungei-Alatau. These unique lakes which is conventionally called Kolsay-1, Kolsai-2 and Kolsai-3, located respectively at an altitude of 1700, 2252 and 2650 meters above sea level.

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Charyn canyon & Bartogay lake

Charyn canyon

Is one of the most unique nature tourist spot. Under the influence of thousand-year processes of weathering of sedimentary rocks, the original form of the relief had taken the shape of isolated rocks, columns and towers. Charyn canyon is a natural monument, built of sedimentary rocks whose age is about 12 million years. The walls often consist of large deposits of clay, which at sunset turn red and shimmer with amazing shadows. If you look at the canyon closely, you may “see” an ancient town, which seems to be real under the rays of the setting sun. Here time and natural factors have created countless grottoes, caves, huge cracks, as if some painter had worked on the entire canyon.

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Turgen gorge >>>15% OFF

Turgen gorge

Beautiful Turgen gorge of the same river is the longest and extensive gorge of TRANS-ili Alatau. Located on the territory of Ile-Alatau national Park.
In the gorge a lot of interesting: waterfalls, trout farm, ostrich farm, historical-ethnographical Museum under the open sky, the statue of the Golden man (Altyn Adam) of Saka Kurgan, thermal springs, water springs and unique Chinturgensky mossy spruce stands, with permafrost areas. Truly the most fascinating of places of visits are falls. In this gorge a total of seven waterfalls, but popular, only three of them.

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